High Tech Collections

Technology has driven the way companies do business.  The same goes in our industry.  If you have experienced low returns when attempting to collect on past-due balances, chances are you are not using the most up-to-date technologies available to assist in the process.  We use a combination of ATDS (Automatic Telephone Dialing System), proprietary CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, and paid Internet database accounts giving our collectors instant skip tracing on your accounts. This system allows our collectors to significantly increase the number of productive phone calls to your debtors, which directly leads to increasing your monthly recovery.

Our proprietary CRM works in conjunction with our ATDS, using technology such as a Predictive Dialer, that will ring your debtors and connect them to one of our expertly trained collectors automatically. If a debtor’s line is busy, or they do not answer, our system will continue to call using all numbers on file until contact has been made.

CODD makes accepting payments from your debtors easy:

  • Accepts ALL major credit cards
  • Accepts checks over the phone
  • Accepts online payments or bank transfers

Let us handle it.  Just sit back and collect.